Crystal Folders is an application to customize your folder icons in seconds, for Windows.
- Customize many folders in seconds.
- Add folders within Documents, Pictures, etc. with one click.
- Drag and drop option.
- Choose between different default icons or your own.
- Option to include subfolders.
- Possibility to remove directories from the list once added.
- Number of folders and subfolders to customize.
- Option to create portable folders with a custom icon. 𝐢
- Avoid duplication of folders that have been previously added.
- Notifications directly on the desktop.
- Avoid customizing folders with system icons.
- Switch between English and Spanish language.
- Save settings in a .ini file, except for switches.
- Customize theme color.
- Modifying the Desktop.ini file without losing previous information.
- Adaptive corners (rounded or metro), depending on the OS version.

On the left panel there is an area where the directories or folder list to customize will be displayed. Below we can find icons with their respective checkboxes, which are: Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos and Desktop.
𝟭. Add folders, there are two ways:
- Check the box(es) you want to customize, for example: if you selected Documents, all the folders inside will be added to the list. You can uncheck them at any time to remove those directories.
- By dragging and dropping folders into the area mentioned above, even if you have already checked boxes.
To remove folders one by one, you must select it in the list and click on ⦵.
𝟮. Choose an icon:
On the right panel press the Choose…
button, a window will open with default icons in different colors or you could use your own, it just needs to be in ICO format. Once you select it and press Open
it will appear in the preview.
𝟯. Add subfolders:
Further down you can turn on the Add subfolders
switch, which will also indicate the total number of. If you find there are too many or you are not interested, you could simply turn it off, this only helps to have a better customization experience.
We will skip the second switch for now.
𝟰. Customize all:
Finally, press the Customize
button, which, likewise, indicates the total number of folders whose icons will be changed. Once this is done, a small waiting window will be displayed and then a notification on your desktop confirming that it has completed successfully.
If the number of folders exceeds 600, a message will appear asking if you want to continue, however, the default recommended button is No
in case you prefer to decrease it.
☑️ That’s it, it’s that easy! Now all that’s left to do is look at your customized folders; if you don’t see any changes, just refresh the window and/or desktop.
Remember, is not necessary to close the application to clear the list or options you have chosen, just click on ⟳.
Restore folders:
𝟭. You will have to follow the first steps again; checking the boxes or dragging and dropping them to the list. The difference is: instead of choosing a new icon, you will have to click on the Restore
button and as you can see, a little arrow will appear in what would be the preview, to indicate this action.
𝟮. You will notice the switch below has changed to Restore subfolders
, turn that on if you’ve customized them before.
𝟯. Finally, click on the second Restore
button. The small waiting window will appear again, then the notification on the desktop that it has been completed and that’s it, your folders are back to normal.

Folders with customized icons on another PC:
The second switch Configure to portable
allows you to customize the icon for up to 30 folders (including subfolders) to be displayed with that icon on any other computer, since it copies it inside. This option only works by dragging them to the list area; If any box is checked on the left panel, the switch cannot be turned on.
In the same way, when restoring a folder with a portable icon you will need to follow the same steps, just remember to turn on the Restore from portable
Info button:
Click on the upper Info button, a new window will appear where you can:
Change theme: Click on
Change Theme
to open the color picker and choose a custom one, then click Apply. To return to default values, repeat the previous steps and press the purple button below the tone selector. Finally click Apply. -
Change language: In the Language section below, click on the little arrows icon to change between English or Español, finally click on the return button to apply and see changes.
Third-party content: On the left side are the names of each library, project, icons or fonts that were used, click one to read its license and author(s), as well as a short description. You can click on the clip icon to go to each repository/official site and change pages with Next 🢖🢖 or 🢔🢔 Back.

Security measures:
- You cannot customize special folders that already have a system icon, such as Documents or Pictures, only directories within it.
- There are folders whose icon cannot be changed due to their protection level or privileges, so a notification will be displayed on the desktop warning about how many have been skipped.
- It directly modifies the Desktop.ini file, thus avoiding deleting it and creating a new one, without losing its information.
- Folders limit message, once the amount of 600 has been exceeded; to disable this message, open the
file and changeMessage = true
toMessage = false
- This software is under MIT License (read full text).
🤍 Pixie Folders
Create your own folders with this set of six editable icons: Download.🤍 Image to Icon
Convert image to icon online:🤍 Drop Icons
App to convert images to icons (.ico) for Windows: Download.- Copyright (c) 2025 Génesis Toxical.