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Drop Icons is an open source app to convert images to icons (.ico) for Windows, with a simple Drag and Drop feature.



Drop Icons convert images to icons


Drag and drop your images into the empty space, you will preview three images except if you only drag one or two. Below you can see the total amount of images to convert, subtracting three from preview. If you cannot drag, click on Add images.

Leave the first switch on if you want to save them in the same folder, if you prefer to choose a specific folder, turn it off. You can also generate a tiny icon by turning on the second switch. Finally, click on Convert button, wait for the interface to restart because this indicates that it has finished and your icons are ready.

If you need to delete the images you have added by mistake, click on the arrows icon. Remember that you can drag images as many times as you want before clicking the Convert button.

By clicking on the upper Info button, a new window will appear in which you can:

To choose whether Drop Icons is on top of all windows (Topmost) or not, right-click anywhere in the main window and choose Enable Topmost or Disable Topmost.

